We see that schools play a vital role in developing as well as supporting children as they grow and learn. We know that every teacher, parent, administrator, as well as a school staff member, wants to see students succeed in school, as well as establish the skills, knowledge as well as readiness they will need as adults as well. We know that an lms portal can help them as well. We see that health in our schools must extend beyond the curriculum as well as the classroom to the entire school setting. We know that establishing physical as well as social environments, formal and informal learning as well as leadership opportunities, and rules and day-to-day practices that support and encourage healthy behaviors are all critical factors as well. We have seen that students do better in school when they are emotionally as well as physically healthy. We see that they miss fewer classes, as well as are less likely to engage in risky or antisocial behavior, concentrate more, as well as achieve higher test scores. Unfortunately, we see that there are too many students who go to class in less than optimal health. We see that comprehensive school health can effectively improve both health as well as educational outcomes, as well as help students to be healthy, lifelong learners. We know that healthy schools also support the development of many student competencies, such as critical thinking, as well as problem-solving, decision making, personal management, collaboration, as well as leadership. We see the enhanced physical, mental as well as social health of the whole school community. We know that improved academic achievement for students as well as decreased behavioral issues in the classroom as well as the schoolyard. They can work on healthier positive attitudes and enhanced student engagement too. We see that they can have better school attendance as more parent involvement in school activities and have higher staff morale as well as productivity in a healthier, more productive workplace. They can also work on an improved home, school, as well as community partnerships and complements their school improvement plans as well. We see that as previously stated, health education promotes a healthy lifestyle as well as raises awareness about the importance of health. We see that this can be done when professionals take part in educating people on what they can do to have a healthier life as well. We see that health education doesn’t just happen in schools as well. We know that many groups offer free seminars to rural areas aiming to reach communities so that they can benefit from being informed about health as well. Moreover, we see that there are professionals, especially educators, who take time to study the health needs of the community to give proper intervention as well. We know that when citizens are well-informed about the importance of health education, they could have a healthier life. As well results in fewer patients in the hospital. We know that public health centers and hospitals will not be too crowded. We see that there won’t be a scarcity of free medicines as well. Additionally, we see that people will have the ability to work, which is a big help to the economy as well. We know that many parents are keenly interested in the basic academic education of their youngsters such as reading, writing, and arithmetic but are not nearly as conscientious in finding out about the other learning that goes on in the classroom as well. We see that a comprehensive health education program is an important part of the curriculum in most school districts as well. We know that starting in kindergarten as well as continuing through high school, provides an introduction to the human body as well as to factors that prevent illness and promote or damage health. We know that health education programs are most effective if parents are involved. We know that parents can complement as well as reinforce what children are learning in school during conversations as well as activities at home. We see that the schools can provide basic information about implementing healthy decisions as well. The school management system can be beneficial to students.